Some Key Facts About Electrical Inspections

Some Key Facts About Electrical Inspections

March 22, 2023 0 Comment

One aspect of ensuring the safety of their home or business premises that every householder or business owner is likely to need at some point is an electrical inspection. These are carried out by a qualified electrician, and their primary function is to ensure that all the wiring and electrical systems, including certain electrical equipment, within a home or office are safe and meet the applicable regulatory and legal standards. Here are some facts about electrical inspections.

What Will An Electrical Inspection Include?

The scope of an electrical inspection can range from a basic audit which is done visually and makes recommendations, to a comprehensive inspection when a series of electrical tests are carried out with respect to polarities of power outlets and electrical safety switches, for example. Here is a list of some of the checks and tests that could occur during an electrical inspection:

  • Visual Checks For Instances Of Exposed Wiring Or Cable
  • Check For Electrical Hazards
  • Identifying Cables Or Wiring Which Is Outdated
  • Inspections Of Power Boxes
  • Testing Electrical Safety Switches
  • Checking Lighting Fittings
  • Checking For The Risk Of Overloaded Electrical Systems
  • Checking And Testing Power Sockets
  • Checking For Evidence Of DIY Electrical Work
  • Testing Smoke Alarms
  • Checking For Electrical Installations That Do Not Comply With Regulations
  • Checking That Electrical Wiring, Installations, And Equipment Comply With Statutory Regulations

This is not a complete list, and some of the specific checks will depend on the type of property, what the building is used for, and the state or federal statutory regulations that apply to those premises.

Concrete Pools Versus Fibreglass Pools

Concrete Pools Versus Fibreglass Pools

December 1, 2020 0 Comment

The experts at Landscape Architect Sydney told us that deciding whether or not to have a pool installed in the garden is often not a difficult decision to make. However, what does seem a more difficult choice is whether to have a concrete pool or a fibre glass pool installed. Both have their advantages and disadvantages but both options are going to be acceptable to most homeowners.

Ultimately your decision may come down to just one or two minor points, or it could be the budget available, or it might be whether or not the pool is seen as an investment in the property. To help you weigh all of these, and more, here is a quick comparison between concrete and fibre glass pools for each of the main considerations most people base their decision on.

Design Options

Of the two, concrete pools are going to offer far greater flexibility and options with regards to the size, shape, and design of your pool. Fiberglass pools are pre-cast in a factory and therefore there is no means for you to alter it once it has arrived for installation. There will also be a limit on the size given that it has to be transported to your property.


It is generally accepted that concrete pools outdo fibre glass pools in terms of how pleasing they are on the eye. Not only is this due to the options in terms of tiles for the walls and floor, but for the greater number of options you will have for the surrounding areas with regards to furniture and facings which can match.

Walls And Floor Surfaces

The surface of a fibre glass pool is smooth and non-porous therefore it does not normally attract the likes of bacteria. More importantly, it does not suffer from the growth of algae which is an inherent problem for concrete pools given that they have porous walls and floors. The rougher surface also means they are more prone to cracks and scratches.

Sustainable Transport

5 Elements of Sustainable Transport

September 12, 2019 0 Comment

The elements of sustainable transport are about more than just the amount of fuel used. Whether it’s about a state or country-wide transport company or a smaller business that delivers freight around the town or city, sustainability is important because it not only helps to save the earth’s resources, but saves on costs for the company, something that should always be of importance.

Even though one train can take a great deal more freight than one truck, it is not nearly as efficient or as fast. Road rather than rail transport is much preferred these days, because trucks can deliver right to their destination without the need for that extra offloading and reloading onto trucks at both ends of the rail journey which requires even more labour and fuel resources.

Beautiful Garden

Amazing Ideas for a Beautiful Garden

December 16, 2018 0 Comment

What to Plant around Your Pool

Garden pools are increasingly becoming a favorite component of residential landscapes. Even homes that do not boast of a large land area are opting for garden designs that allow them to fit in cozy little pool. In order to refrain from messing up with the aesthetics of the shrubbery, it is important to choose the right plants to ornament the edges of your pool.

Before going into the details of what plants to choose, it is necessary to understand which ones to avoid. This considerably narrows down the scope of plants available to decorate your pool, and makes the whole process of decision making easier.

Shanghai Sphere 2046

October 31, 2012 0 Comment

The future of transport is rapidly changing as evidenced by the concept design by German designer Oliver May. In his vision of the future, exploding populations intersect with the imperative need for sustainable mass transport.

May’s solution is called the Shanghai Sphere 2046. The geometric sphere electric transport modules are gyro-stabilized electric drive powertrain via an ultra cool design feature using the inertia of a spinning wheel. Remote passenger control with GPS is used instead of a conventional steering wheel and dashboard. A transparent doubled shell forms the outer body using carbon fiber and titanium, with ball bearings on the exterior body to support the drive system. Four people can be carried and a power generation concept by Nicola Tesla will provide external power.

Linking the spheres together can create a public transportation vehicle, especially when they are mounted on low friction travel tracks, freeing up city space and offering emissions-free travel.


Gold mine

Why We Mine for Gold

August 7, 2006 0 Comment

Why we mine for gold?

Since ancient Egyptian times, when gold was considered a divine metal and thought to be the flesh of the gods, the allure and magnetism of gold has translated through the ages. From the earliest days of royal and noble burials, it was the metal with which the Kings of Egypt surrounded themselves; it was the metal they placed within their tombs for use in the afterlife, it was imperishable, eternal and indestructible.

In 2008, GFMS Ltd estimated that the total gold supply was approximately 3,750 t.  As gold is some 19.3 times heavier than water, this amount of gold would fill a box some 6 m wide by 6 m high by 6 m long.

Of the total gold supply in 2008, some 65% was from new mine production with the remainder sourced from recycling of gold ‘scrap’ and sales from central bank holdings.

Gold demand in 2008 was dominated by consumption in jewellery and fabrication (75%), with the remainder predominantly being investment demand.


How We Mine for Gold

July 27, 2006 0 Comment

Bendigo Mining’s Swan decline (underground tunnel) now stretches for a distance of some 6.5 km to a depth of about 850 metres beneath the City of Bendigo, tunnelling deep beneath the historic workings to access new untouched orebodies on the Deborah and Sheepshead lines of reef.


From the decline, diamond drilling is carried out using a diamond bit at typically 120 m intervals to establish the location and dimensions of the ore bodies. Geologists log and cut the diamond drill core samples and send them away for assay to determine the grade of gold on each section of the reef.

With the grade and shape of the reef established, mining engineers are then able to plan the ore shapes that will be mined (the stopes) and determine how the orebody will be accessed and mined. Extracting and removing the ore is achieved by drilling holes in the rock face, packing them with explosives (charging the face) and then blasting the rock.


Goldfield History

July 15, 2006 0 Comment

The Bendigo Goldfield is Australia’s second largest in terms of historical production after Western Australia’s Golden Mile.

Exploration and mining at Bendigo can be divided into three distinct phases:

  • The first being the initial discovery and exploitation of the field from 1851 to the closure of the last underground mine in 1954.
  • The second phase was the first serious attempt at modern exploration undertaken by WMC Ltd and Bendigo Mining between 1978 and 1993.
  • This was followed by the third and current phase of exploration with the entire goldfield under the control of Bendigo Mining from 1993 to present day.

1851 to 1954

Alluvial gold was discovered along the banks of the Bendigo Creek in 1851 and resulted in a major gold rush. The discovery is usually attributed to Mrs Kennedy and Mrs Farrell, the wives of two of workers on the Mt Alexander North pastoral property. In Christmas 1851 there were 800 people on the field and by the following June, 20,000 diggers had arrived in the alluvial field. Alluvial gold production was dominant in the first ten years of the field to 1860 and is estimated to account for up to four million ounces or almost one fifth of the total gold won from the Bendigo Goldfield.

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